A Few Quick and Fast SEO Techniques for your Business


Identifying actionable SEO methods can help you get results quicker. This article is going to provide you think outside the common SEO box techniques and give you quick steps to increase the visibility and presence of your online business. These search engine optimization techniques are practical, easy to use, and you can implement these without spending your hard earned money on ads. These SEO Tips have been derived after a lot of research, testing and taking into account the classic and contemporary techniques in terms of quality.

Don’t get worried! These steps could be performed even when you are not in your best of the moods. It means, these techniques can be performed with a casual attitude as well. Take out a few minutes a day or a couple of hours a week and you are good to implement some of the most executable techniques. From “Oh Shit” to “Aha”– take these steps in your business journey for quickly doubling your search traffic. You will rank better and higher in Google Rank List, and see increased visitors’ clicks as well.

So are you ready to take notes? Here we go:

  • Regularly keep checking your website’s Organic CTR. Find out the list of 10-12 lowest performing pages and edit and revise the title tags and Meta descriptions of these pages.
    How to do this?

You need to go to the Google Search Console of your website and then go to Search Traffic -> Search Analytics. This will allow you to analyze your performance on Google Search. You could filter according to your convenience and compare different results. Then you have to click at the Impressions & CTR Filters for Pages. Now, you could revise and update with improved Meta Description and Title tags.

  • Find your top ten popular pages and add Schema markup to those.This is an absolutely contemporary technique where you can add up rich media to some of your top search results; it means you need to add up Schema markup to the HTML of your popular pages. This is practically more applicable if you have an old and consistent website with years of content and information. You could add on snippets to your popular pages and make them even more commendable. To keep a track of this, you could make a spreadsheet of your own using your Excel Sheet, where you can keep track of your most liked and popular articles, posts and then implement the Schema Markup. This will gradually and effectively improve the CTR of your final outcome.
  • You can optimize the images in your website for improving the overall Site Speed.Site speed is now an important part of SEO tactics, if you are not aware of this, be advised to read more about this. You could login from a different mobile or a computer and check for your website’s loading time with the help of Site Speed Tools. If it is slower than normal, then you are losing some of your visitors, who may not be patient enough to wait. And if you analyze, you will see that “images” are heavy stuff that makes your site loading speed slower. So, if you decide to take some time out and browse through the pictures of your most popular pages and make the size smaller… you are doing a great job for yourself. For instance, if your image is the standard 1024 X 600 pixels, you can compress the file to half or even smaller than that. There is no hard unless you are running a photography website.
  • Google is the master of all search engines. But it comes with it’s own methods of indexing. Your site may be indexed two times, means your sire could be indexed as com and also as abc.com. You need to inform Google, which one is your preferred version so that the new indexing methods could be refreshed and Google Crawler can find one particular site. Google will take note of your preference and take corrective measures in future. You can do this by clicking on your site settings and then choosing the right option from the Preferred Domain tab.
  • Always ensure that your details are up to date with Google. Whether your address has changed, or whether you have changed your payment methods- update them regularly.

Simplicity still pays. Internet visitors or Google search engine still pays respect to simplicity. You can always work on your own to improve the SEO of your website. Other than that, Web Brain InfoTech is always there to take care of the complex steps on your behalf. Keep visiting our website for latest and practical SEO tips for improving your website ranking. Our SEO masters are always happy to help!

Talk to an expert by call at +91-782-774-2414 or E-mail at info@webbraininfotech.com.

4 SEO Trends that Every SEO Company India Should Follow


The year 2015 has seen many exciting changes in the SEO industry, and as per predictions, 2016 should not be anything less than exciting. There have been minor updates about algorithms from Google, new changes in usage of mobile devices and also a few prominent digital technologies that have assisted the growth of SEO. It is a well-known fact that online business or ecommerce to be precise will always need search engine traffic for its growth and survival. And with each passing year, the SEO techniques are changing drastically. And if you look carefully, you will notice that the latest trends show that SEO is now treated not only as a marketing tactic, but also as an effective tool for brand awareness and recognition. So what are the predictions for SEO techniques in 2016?

The rise of the video content

Written content has always been treated as the ‘standard’ baseline for most of the brands with certain peripheral additions like videos, infographics and images. A certain shift in paradigm shows that videos will outgrow written content. And if you look at different SEO packages, you will note that most of them conclude that in terms of ROI, videos have shown more promise than written words. Videos have taken a step forward in terms of three Es: effectiveness, engagement and entertainment. Users are leaning more towards the visual content. In fact, a lot of brands are taking an effort to reinvent their content keeping videos in the forefront. And if trends are to be believed, then Google too is experimenting with video ads.

Mobile optimization of sites will become essential

Gone are the days when people would sit before a desktop and search the internet. The constant rise of the mobile users have confirmed the fact that now mobile searches are more popular than desktop searches. And every SEO company India knows it for a fact that now desktop and mobile traffic stand on the same footing. Google has already started saying that it is time to emphasize on the needs and requirements of the mobile users. Desktop users will soon fade into obscurity as more and more people will believe in enhanced mobile experience.

Changes in social media content

In 2016, as you search for news items you will probably find a tweet from Twitter or a message from Google. Social media will invade a lot more spaces making the users aware about the growing popularity of this platform. Social posts will have the same standing as any web page. The thin line that has demarcated social media from web will soon fade away. And there will be one single channel which will aggregate news, stories and live events for people to see. In fact, Twitter is already experimenting with one such platform known as ‘Moments’. And if you think from a SEO perspective, it will be much better because content creation and distribution will be easier as compared to previous times.

Creating brand awareness among customers

Before every purchase every potential customer checks online reviews; it is their way of knowing about the good things about the product. Potential customers want to be informed; they do not want to make a decision unless they are enlightened. Without a proper SEO campaign how do you expect your business to gain popularity among your customers? They must find you when they are making these online searches. The number of people or online users has grown in numbers in the last couple of years, and they will make their presence felt even in 2016.

It is time to reinvent some age-old SEO techniques and embrace some new ones, because SEO is ‘far from being dead’!

Distributed by Web Brain InfoTech

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Contact Person: Rahul

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Website: www.webbraininfotech.com

Smart Play! Adapt Yourself with the changing SEO


Are the SEO techniques that have been developing through the ages turning obsolete with the consumers getting smarter day by day? For a moment, put yourself in the shoes of the common internet audience. When you are looking for a particular thing (with the keywords), do you just click at the topmost websites that have been positioned there by employing the right SEO techniques or do you visit the site with the most relevant content? Does that signify that simply quality is the ultimate thing and no hard work is necessary on the search engine optimization part? Is the age of SEO really over?

Google is not excited simply on the fact that you have put really awesome content or have accomplished some amazing optimization with the keywords. Its reaction is pretty much the same- it is more concerned with the happiness of the consumer. And the consumer is still not certain what is it that s/he is looking for?

So what do we get? How the marketers should be changing their approach and make some more logical moves?

Actually, there is a need to keep balance between both the practices. Content should be generated maintaining the optimum standards, so that the users could be benefitted from it. People are not interested in what you do or how you rank your pages up across the ladder, they are interested in genuine content. So, while you are making sure that the best SEO practices are being followed, ask your team also to generate quality and relevant content. Do proper keyword research; wasting time wiring about something that people are not interested is not a smart thing to do.

In conclusion, hire one experienced SEO company in India– that has a young dynamic team and who is ready to give you the best of both these techniques. Ask for the best available reseller SEO packages in India, so that you could churn the maximum cream out of it.

Find out the Best and Affordable SEO packages for Your Website


Focusing on the right SEO techniques is very important for getting a successful online marketing for your online venture. Have you cared enough for your content, design and promotion properly? Are your techniques updated regularly with Google Algorithm? Are you getting the results you have been looking for? If not, perhaps this is the right time to look for a different SEO company in Delhi, which could really give you some effective results within your goal period.

Search engine optimization has changed lately. You can’t afford to go wrong now. You can’t just keep on using some stale techniques and try to quick fix it when it is not working out right. It is always better if you determine and invest properly to ensure sure enough from the beginning that you have been employing the best competent teams of persons to assist you in moving up the ladder.

Check this out also: Are Your SEO Strategies Up to Date?

Here are the check points you have to do with your company if you are looking for hiring a new one:

Ask them, if they put emphasis on content. And if yes, how and why? Content is the real king now. Any online venture with high quality content should go down in a matter of time.

Ask them, what are their link building services like? Ask the team about the on-site SEO work that they are going to provide.

Ask them about their client retention rate and don’t just go by their statements. If possible request them to share some references as well with you. This will give you a quick edge to find out how much capability they really have in providing the kinds of services you have been expecting from them.

Last but not the least; do not forget to ask them to share their tactics. Having a clear check on the SEO tactics will help you to determine companies with affordable SEO packages in India.

Here we have published an article on 10 Things to Enquire Before Hiring an SEO Firm

Web Brain InfoTech: Your SEO Agency Partner

Turn your idea into a flashing business with Web Brain InfoTech, a leading SEO agency of India, offering software and website development services to its domestic and global client. The success of your website depends on well it is optimized to meet its online visitor’s expectation.

Why you should hire a professional agency?

You must have heard, a well established website suddenly lost all its sales and visitors after the Google update and finally the store has been stopped its business. If you don’t want to be the part of dooming online the business world, then it is essential to choose a right web solution provider. Web Brain infotech, not only leads in SEO services, but we are one of the most reliable software development company in India and design apps and software focusing on online marketing strategy of the clients. Empower your online presence with us and improve your brand visibility and earning.


Optimize your website, and get connected to your potential customers in an easy way. The process of SEO seems easy, but the success of the plan depends on how well analyzed the strategy is.

Promote your website for the targeted users, with targeted keywords.

No matter how big your online marketing campaign is, if it lacks the support of organic SEO it will always stand on the edge. Give your website strong foundation with white hat and organic SEO techniques.

Hire a team of dedicated professionally qualified and smart SEO professionals and explore the potential of online marketing platform. Explore and choose from our SEO packages and put your business ahead.